2023 Annual Report

2023 President's Annual Report Cover

Committed to Excellence

The 2023 Annual Report highlights the many ambitious initiatives that elevated UGA’s world-class learning environment, pushed our research enterprise to new heights, strengthened communities across Georgia, and expanded the University’s impact like never before.

2022 Annual Report

2022 President's Annual Report Cover

Powering Excellence

The 2022 Annual Report highlights the University of Georgia’s extraordinary achievements during the 2022 fiscal year as well as some of the outstanding individuals who helped propel our community to new heights of excellence. Thanks to our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends, this year was one of the best in UGAs history.

2021 Annual Report

2021 PAR Cover

Fulfilling the Mission

The 2021 Annual Report illustrates our community’s remarkable resolve during the pandemic and our many outstanding achievements during an unprecedented time in UGA’s history. I remain grateful for everything our faculty, staff, and students continue to do to fulfill the University of Georgia’s vital mission. 

Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Plan

Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Plan

Read the Plan

The University of Georgia’s Planning Committee on Diversity and Inclusive Excellence developed a five-year plan to provide an integrated and strategic approach to UGA’s diversity and inclusion efforts. The plan includes 11 goals, along with corresponding key performance indicators and institutional actions to create a better, stronger UGA.  

Task Force on Race, Ethnicity, and Community

Freshman Welcome

Read the Accepted Recommendations

The Presidential Task Force on Race, Ethnicity, and Community (2020) examined issues related to race, ethnicity, and community at the University of Georgia. The Task Force submitted to the Office of the President for consideration a number of concrete recommendations to improve the campus culture and strengthen the learning environment at UGA.

2020 Annual Report

2020 President's Annual Report Cover

Our Vision Forward

The 2020 Annual Report depicts a year of historic challenges and extraordinary accomplishments at the University of Georgia. Even as COVID-19 has transformed how we teach, serve, and research—in short-term and long-term ways—UGA continues to push forward its bold vision for the future.

2019 Annual Report

2019 President's Annual Report Cover

Shaping Our Future

The 2019 Annual Report illustrates the University of Georgia’s impact near and far. What we do here matters—we are shaping the future of our state, nation, and world. I am proud of all that UGA is accomplishing with the support of our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends.

2018 Annual Report

Cover of 2018 President's Annual Report

Reaching New Heights

The 2018 Annual Report highlights the tremendous success the University of Georgia is achieving across every facet of our mission. Thanks to our dedicated faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends, the future of UGA has never looked brighter.

Innovation District Task Force

Innovation District Task Force report cover

Read the Report

The University of Georgia’s Innovation District Task Force delivered its final report to President Jere W. Morehead in July 2018. The report outlines a strategic vision and corresponding action steps to create a hub—or district—on campus to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and industry collaboration.



Task Force on Student Learning and Success

Task Force Report Cover

Read the Report

The University of Georgia’s Task Force on Student Learning and Success delivered its final report to President Jere W. Morehead in December 2017. The report includes 12 recommendations designed to advance the institutions longstanding commitment to excellence in undergraduate education.


2017 Annual Report

2017 President's Annual Report

Expanding the Boundaries of What Is Possible

The 2017 President’s Annual Report celebrates the University of Georgia’s progress on the institution’s three major priorities: increasing scholarship support for our students; further enhancing the learning environment; and solving the grand challenges of our time.

2016 Annual Report


An Upward Trajectory

The 2016 President’s Annual report highlights UGA’s major achievements from the past fiscal year. The report is organized around four themes that demonstrate the upward trajectory of America’s first state-chartered university: Setting a New Standard of Excellence, Transforming the World around Us, Building Facilities for the Future, and Committing to Our University.

2015 Annual Report


A Year to Remember at UGA

In Fiscal Year 2015, the University of Georgia continued to enhance its world-class learning environment, expand its critical research enterprise, and promote prosperity across communities in Georgia and beyond. The University also achieved a historic year in fundraising. All in all, as the pages of this report illustrate, 2015 was a year to remember at UGA.

2014 Annual Report


Building Great Momentum

The 2014 Annual Report reveals how the University of Georgia is reaching new heights of excellence. In the year covered by this report, we strengthened the academic core, served Georgia and the world, and built great momentum in the early stages of a comprehensive campaign. Our many accomplishments are the product of exceptional students, faculty, and staff, combined with the generosity and support of loyal alumni and friends.

2013 Annual Report


We are UGA

The 2013 Annual Report outlines the objectives of “Building on Excellence,” the strategic plan for UGA through the year 2020. The hallmarks of the plan are a clarion call to improve research and graduate education while preserving and enhancing recent gains in undergraduate education and continually improving in key areas of UGA’s mission and institutional commitments. 

UGA’s 225th Anniversary


Honoring the Past; Looking to the Future

The University of Georgia celebrated the 225th anniversary of its founding with a two-day symposium April 22-23, 2000. Themed “Honoring the Past; Looking to the Future,” the symposium features experts leading lectures and discussions on the University's history and the future of higher education.